Delhi Govt Sets Up WiFi Task Force

by Prasad Krishna last modified Apr 03, 2015 07:06 AM
Delhi government is believed to have set up a task force to enable WiFi in the city. The task force, which has been recently constituted, includes entrepreneur and start-up advisor Mahesh Murthy, Medianama founder Nikhil Pahwa and Center for Internet Society director Pranesh Prakash, as per a report by PTI.

Originally published by Press Trust of India, the news was mirrored by TeleAnalysis on March 18, 2015.

The Wifi task force was set up by Delhi Dialogue Commission (DDC), which besides this, will also look after various initiatives that can make Delhi a better place to live. The commission, in the past, has sought suggestions, expert opinions and proposals from domain experts in various issues related to Delhi. The DDC is evaluating various proposals and will act accordingly, the report said.

The DDC is inviting proposals and suggestions, comments and ideas over email at [email protected] and the Whatsapp helpline +919643327265.

“These have received tremendous response with over 400 emails and thousands of Whatsapp messages coming in from Delhi citizens, who sent in their requests and needs and also detailed technical assistance and support in the implementation of this project,” the government said in a statement.

While the above email Id is active and we got an instant automated response, when sent a query, the Whatsapp number seems to be dead, as it was last seen on ‘1/25/2015′.

Providing free WiFi in Delhi was a part of the manifesto of the Aam Aadmi Party.

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