
by Sumandro Chattapadhyay last modified Mar 30, 2016 11:09 AM

MDM Invite Poster

by Prasad Krishna — last modified Oct 25, 2013 09:22 AM
October 25, 2013

MDM Invite Poster - Read More…

(IMDEC) 2013

by Prasad Krishna — last modified Oct 25, 2013 06:09 AM
October 25, 2013

(IMDEC) 2013 - Read More…

What India can Learn from the Snowden Revelations

by Elonnai Hickok — last modified Oct 25, 2013 07:29 AM
October 25, 2013

Big Brother is watching, across cyberspace and international borders. Meanwhile, the Indian government has few safeguards in theory and fewer in practice. There’s no telling how prevalent or extensive Indian surveillance really is.

What India can Learn from the Snowden Revelations - Read More…

An Interview with Jacob Kohnstamm, Dutch Data Protection Authority and Chairman of the Article 29 Working Party

by Elonnai Hickok — last modified Oct 25, 2013 04:50 AM
October 25, 2013

The Centre for Internet and Society interviewed Jacob Kohnstamm, Dutch Data Protection Authority and Chairman of the Article 29 Working Party.

An Interview with Jacob Kohnstamm, Dutch Data Protection Authority and Chairman of the Article 29 Working Party - Read More…

Interview with Dr. Alexander Dix - Berlin Data Protection and Freedom of Information Commissioner

Interview with Dr. Alexander Dix - Berlin Data Protection and Freedom of Information Commissioner

by Maria Xynou — last modified Nov 06, 2013 09:29 AM

Maria Xynou recently interviewed Berlin's Data Protection and Freedom of Information Commissioner: Dr. Alexander Dix. View this interview and gain an insight on recommendations for better data protection in India!

Interview with Dr. Alexander Dix - Berlin Data Protection and Freedom of Information Commissioner - Read More…

Open Letter to Members of the European Parliament of the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee

by Elonnai Hickok — last modified Oct 23, 2013 05:00 AM
October 23, 2013

An open letter was sent to the Members of the European Parliament of the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee on the proposed EU Regulation. The letter was apart of an initiative that Privacy International and a number of other NGO's are undertaking.

Open Letter to Members of the European Parliament of the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee - Read More…

Tweets from Bali IGF 2013

by Pranesh Prakash — last modified Oct 28, 2013 09:09 AM
October 21, 2013

CIS is logging all tweets with the words "igf2013", "igf13", "igf", "bestbits", and "genderit" during the Intenet Governance Forum going on in the Bali this week, and making it available in downloadable files.

Tweets from Bali IGF 2013 - Read More…

Interview with the Tactical Technology Collective on Privacy and Surveillance

Interview with the Tactical Technology Collective on Privacy and Surveillance

by Maria Xynou — last modified Oct 18, 2013 09:56 AM

The Centre for Internet and Society recently interviewed Anne Roth from the Tactical Technology Collective in Berlin. View this interview and gain an insight on why we should all "have something to hide"!

Interview with the Tactical Technology Collective on Privacy and Surveillance - Read More…

Interview with Bruce Schneier - Internationally Renowned Security Technologist

Interview with Bruce Schneier - Internationally Renowned Security Technologist

by Maria Xynou — last modified Oct 17, 2013 08:54 AM

Maria Xynou recently interviewed Bruce Schneier on privacy and surveillance. View this interview and gain an insight on why we should all "have something to hide"!

Interview with Bruce Schneier - Internationally Renowned Security Technologist - Read More…

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