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Chances and Risks of Social Participation

by Prasad Krishna last modified Nov 30, 2013 09:19 AM
Participation is a key issue within Internet research and hence also for the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. For this reason the institute is going to host a thematically focused meeting on Chances and Risks of Social Participation in Berlin on 22 November 2013 in co-operation with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

Nishant Shah gave the keynote for this event.

Morning Session
by invitation only
International senior researchers from a broad field of disciplines are invited to join the discussion and contribute with their expertise to various sessions as well as a public panel discussion. Thereby, the institute aims to push ahead research and exchange of ideas around the field of participation ranging from encouragement in context of democracy to the impact on innovation management.

Public Afternoon: Online into Politics?
open to the public, registration required
In the afternoon, the meeting will be opened to the public. We are pleased to announce that Helen Margetts, director of the Oxford Internet Institute (OII) has agreed to hold a keynote. We are also excited to be able to share first findings from a study on the e-petition platform of the German parliament, the Bundestag, with the attendants. Representatives of politics and society will reveal national perspectives on political participation within the concluding panel discussion.

Side Events

This meeting adds to the activities of the newly founded Network of Internet & Society Research Centers (NoC). Alongside the meeting on participation the annual Early Stage Researchers Colloquium and a meeting of participants of the Network of Centers will take place – guaranteeing fruitful and inspiring discourses across disciplines and research institutions.

Hosts and Co-Hosts

The event is hosted in co-operation with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and serves as a Network of Centers (NoC) regional event. The event is furthermore supported by the British Embassy Berlin.

Click to download the brochure of the event.

Filed under:
ASPI-CIS Partnership


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