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Best Practices Meet

by Prasad Krishna last modified Aug 06, 2014 06:25 AM
The Best Practices Meet 2014 is being organized by DSCI at Hotel Leela Palace on July 9, 2014. Sunil Abraham will participate as a panelist at the event.

SMAC: new paradigm for Security?

Convergence of Social, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud, is collectively referred as SMAC technologies. The success of social media products and sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin many more has been driving organizations’ investment in social computing. Mobile is another example of how technologies invented initially for personal use, entrenched itself into the enterprise ecosystem. Social computing and mobile blurs the boundaries between personal, social and business transactions. They lead to the explosion of information, which provides interesting insights, critical for business benefits. This reflects in huge impetus that has been seen in analytics, widely known as Big Data analytics. On the other hand, cloud brings completely new paradigm of organizing entperise IT, developing new products and services and delivering consumer experiences.

Increasing adoption of SMAC stack by enterprises breaks the existing paradigm of security. The data explosion on mobile devices exposes organizations’ information to inadvertent loss of revenue and brand value. Malicious applications may steal vital information stored on an employee’s mobile device and pave the way for a major data breach. Web application attacks remain the most significant threat for environments of cloud-hosting providers, amongst other apprehensions about data security. Data sovereignty also continue to pose serious concerns, which organizations need to tackle while moving their data to the cloud. Big data facilitates advanced analytics; however, requires protection from intrusion, corruption and securing its access. Furthermore, social media platforms are continuously exploited to launch malicious content and stealthy payload on devices. Social technologies are also plagued by the use of malicious techniques to mine confidential personal information under the guise of innocuous looking web pages via social engineering techniques.

Apart from security concerns, privacy supposed to be a big causality, as each component of the SMAC stack is considered intrusive enough to compromise the personal rights. Convergence and nexus of them add to the woes.

The collaborative and cumulative effect of all of these technologies working in unison essentially magnifies the efforts of the organizations that are able to wield them effectively. This evolution is challenging the ability of current security capabilities to address business critical risks. The way forward for organizations would be to understand the perspective of end users and IT infrastructure in terms of its integration with any or all the elements of SMAC. The organizations will have to deal with the new paradigm of security that will take them to more scalable, granualar, complex, independent and diverse challenges.

The DSCI Best Practices Meet, 2014 brings the security community and other stakeholders together, to deliberate and ponder over these diverse set of issues and challenges. It is aimed at deliberating on the new security paradigm from the perspectives of public policy, enterprise strategies, technology and practices.

Click to download the agenda and other details here.

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