Governance issues for private data stores
8.30: Introductory remarks - Meeting in the shadow of the Presidents 90 day plan for Big Data and Privacy: are we right to have a hopeful expectation that algorithms can resolve questions that algorithms pose?
- Prof. Jim Waldo, CTO, Harvard University, Sun Distinguished Engineer
- Prof. Andreas Weigend, Stanford University (past Chief Scientist Amazon)
8.45 - 10.00: The network is always on: and you are always on the network.
- The worker and the workplace - Anna Burger (past Secretary Treasurer, SEIU)/Carol Rose, Director Ma., ACLU
- Personalised messages - targeted advertising - George Pappachen (WPP) /Mike Smith (Hearst Corpn.)
- Sensor sensibility:Smart metering/Transport/Home - Yves Alexandre de Montjoye, MIT /John Taysom
- Personal medicine - John Wilbanks, Chief Commons Officer, Sage Bionetworks, Senior Fellow, Ewing
- Marion Kaufman Foundation
- Education - Prof. Jim Waldo, CTO Harvard
- National Security - Dr. Malavika Jayaram, Berkman Centre, Harvard, The Indian national id system.
10.00-10.15: Coffee
10.15 - 11.30: The dual nature of the web - publisher and data gatherer
Is the problem a web protocol problem? Is there a protocol solution?
Brendan Eich, CEO Mozilla
Steve MacBeath Product Lead, Microsoft Personal Cloud
John Taysom, Can we build a DMZ for individual id information?
11.30 - 12.30: Governance systems for private data stores - what wont work, and what might?
- An example of multi-generational national asset management : Sir Henry Studholme, Chair, UK Forestry Commission.
- and - Denelle Dixon-Thayer, GC Mozilla
- DigiTrust - Jordan Mitchell
12.30: working lunch: Privacy as a competitive advantage
- The Microsoft view - Steve MacBeath
- The Mozilla view - Brendan Eich
- The SalesForce view - JPRangaswami, Chief Scientist,
1.30 - 2.15: Essential additional policy considerations
- Is “privacy” anyway the wrong target - did we really mean “intimacy”? Dorothy Zinberg, Harvard/ How would we police privacy policies anyway? Adam Towvim, TrustLayers
- AOB from the floor
2.15 - 2.30: Interim Conclusions - John Taysom
2.30 - 3.00: Discussion and critique of interim conclusions - Prof. Nico Mele, Harvard/ Prof. Dame Wendy Hall, WST
3.00- 3.30: Conclusions and proposed draft recommendations - J Taysom