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by Ben Bas last modified Jul 30, 2012 10:44 AM
N.C.P.E.D.P. and BarrierBreak Technologies put forward National Policy on Electronic Accessibility by Sanchia de Souza — last modified Apr 02, 2011 03:43 PM
Article in Disability News and Information Service, 15 July 2009
Rewiring Bodies: Methodologies of Critique - Responses to technology in feminist and gender work in India by Asha Achuthan — last modified Aug 03, 2011 09:44 AM
In this post, part of her CIS-RAW 'Rewiring Bodies' project, Asha Achuthan records the arguments within feminism and gender work that critique the use of technology in the Indian context, and attempts to show continuities between these arguments and postcolonial formulations. Overall, the post also records notions of the 'political' that inform the contour of these critiques.
Is NASSCOM anti-Open Standards? by Sanchia de Souza — last modified Apr 02, 2011 03:43 PM
Article by Shalini Singh on, 10 July 2009
Tactical Media 3.0--FOSS: The Dynamics of Freedom by Sanchia de Souza — last modified Apr 02, 2011 03:42 PM
CIS Executive Director Sunil Abraham will speak at 'Tactical Media 3.0--Foss: The Dynamics of Freedom', a workshop on techniques and philosophy of Free and Open Source Software, 27 July to 1 August, Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
Presentation at TIFR: 'Scholarly Communication in the Age of the Commons' by Sanchia de Souza — last modified Apr 02, 2011 03:42 PM
CIS Distinguished Fellow Dr. Subbiah Arunachalam will give a talk titled 'Scholarly Communication in the Age of the Commons' at TIFR, Mumbai, on Friday, 24 July 2009.
Archive and Access: Digitisation and Private Records--The Case of the Regional Archive by Sanchia de Souza — last modified Aug 23, 2011 04:32 AM
This is the first in a series of posts by CIS-RAW researcher Aparna Balachandran on the Tamil Nadu Archives (TNA), looking at different aspects of their functioning in order to think about the issue of access in relation to regional archives in the country. More specifically, these posts will engage with the relationship of the TNA with the ways in which history is thought and written about in the Tamil region, both within the academy and outside. These posts are part of the CIS-RAW project 'Archive and Access'.
Call for participation: Conference @ Bangalore - 'WikiWars' by Nishant Shah — last modified Apr 02, 2011 03:43 PM
Call for Participation: Conferences and Reader on critical insights and experiences on the Wikipedia
CPOV: Critical Point of View by Nishant Shah — last modified Jul 13, 2009 09:07 AM
The Centre for Internet and Society (Bangalore, India) and the Institute of Network Cultures (Amsterdam, Netherlands) seek to bring together ideas, experiences and scholarship about Wikipedia in a reader that charts out detailed user stories as well as empirical and analytical work to produce.. The organisations will jointly host two separate conferences aimed at building a Wikipedia Knowledge Network and charting scholarship and stories about The Wikipedia from around the world.
Second Response to Draft National Policy on Open Standards for e-Governance by Pranesh Prakash — last modified Aug 18, 2011 05:06 AM
The government is in the process of drafting a national policy on open standards for e-governance. The National Informatics Centre recently released draft version 2 of the policy, and CIS sent in its comments on the draft.
Presentation at IDRC: ‘Scholarly Communication in the Age of the Commons -- A Southern Perspective’ by Sanchia de Souza — last modified Apr 02, 2011 03:59 PM
Prof. Subbiah Arunachalam, CIS Distinguished Fellow, will give a talk titled 'Scholarly Communication in the Age of the Commons -- A Southern Perspective' at IDRC, Ottawa, Canada, on 13 July 2009.
Round Table on Assessing the Efficacy of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for Public Initiatives: A Report by Sanchia de Souza — last modified Aug 20, 2011 10:28 PM
Zainab Bawa reports on the Round Table on Assessing the Efficacy of Information and Communication Technologies for Public Initiatives, hosted by the Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore, on 17 June 2009, in collaboration with the Liberty Institute, New Delhi.
Using Social Media for Mobilisation: Discussion with Dina Mehta and Peter Griffin by Sanchia de Souza — last modified Aug 20, 2011 10:28 PM
Zainab Bawa reports on the discussion with Peter Griffin and Dina Mehta, hosted at CIS on 19 June 2009, on 'Using Social Media for Mobilisation'.
Measuring the effectiveness of online activism by Sanchia de Souza — last modified Apr 02, 2011 03:56 PM
Article by Sruthi Krishnan in The Hindu, 21 June 2009
Emerging Bit Torrent Trends in India by Siddharth Chadha — last modified Aug 04, 2011 04:44 AM
Internet has been a revelation ever since its introduction. The writer in this blog examines how the progress made by Internet based technologies could never be reversed.
Report on Second National Workshop on Web Accessibility, 5-7 June 2009 by Sanchia de Souza — last modified Feb 04, 2013 05:52 AM
Nirmita Narsimhan reports on the second National Workshop on Web Accessibility for web developers, hosted by CIS in Bangalore from 5 to 7 June 2009, and attended by 15 participants.
Follow-up Letter in Support of WIPO Treaty for Reading Disabled by Sanchia de Souza — last modified Aug 25, 2011 08:43 AM
CIS has sent another letter to the Department of Higher Education, Ministry for Human Resource Development, petitioning it to support the WIPO Treaty for the reading disabled.
Are you Game? by Siddharth Chadha — last modified Aug 04, 2011 04:44 AM
In a preview on the rise and expectations in the Gaming industry, this post looks at emerging trends in India.
Consumers International IP Watch List 2009 by Pranesh Prakash — last modified Aug 04, 2011 04:42 AM
In response to the US Special 301 report, Consumers International brought out an IP Watch List. CIS contributed the India Country Report for the Watch List.
'Internet and Deliberative Democracy': Panel Discussion Featuring Sunil Abraham, Philippe Aigrain and Mario Losano by Sanchia de Souza — last modified Aug 04, 2011 04:42 AM
Sunil Abraham, Director (Policy), Centre for Internet and Society, attended the first edition of the Biennale Democrazia in Turin, 22-26 April 2009. He participated in a panel discussion on the topic 'Internet and Deliberative Democracy'. This blog entry links to a video of his contribution to the discussion.
Letter on South Africa's IPRs from Publicly Financed R&D Regulations by Pranesh Prakash — last modified Aug 04, 2011 04:42 AM
Being interested in legislations in developing nations styled after the United States' Bayh-Dole Act, CIS responded to the call issued by the South African Department of Science and Technology for comments to the Intellectual Property Rights from Publicly Financed Research and Development Regulations.

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