The Global Nature of Cybersecurity in a Changing World

by Admin — last modified Jul 05, 2019 02:26 AM
Arindrajit Basu represented CIS at the annual grantee convening of the Hewlett Foundation held at San Diego from 20 - 22 June 2019.

Cybersecurity knows no borders and is not limited to any one geography or culture. The challenges and opportunities facing cybersecurity experts, policymakers and the public areglobal in nature and require globally-minded solutions at all levels. At the same time, rapid changes in technology have a direct impact on societies around the world and the changingthreat environment. The Hewlett Foundation’s 2019 Cyber Initiative Grantee Convening will focus on two pillars: (1) the global nature of cyberspace and (2) emerging technologychallenges and solutions. We will come together to share our work in this space and identify opportunities for meaningful collaboration.

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