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Thematic Edit-a-thon at J.P.Naik Centre for Education & Development, Pune

Posted by Subodh Kulkarni at May 10, 2017 12:00 AM |
A Marathi Wikipedia workshop was held at the J.P. Naik Centre for Education and Development in Pune recently.
Thematic Edit-a-thon at J.P.Naik Centre for Education & Development, Pune

Participants at the edit-a-thon/ Image By सुबोध कुलकर्णी / CC-BY-SA 4.0

A Marathi Wikipedia workshop was conducted in conjunction with VIgyan Ashram, a social work organization on 9 May, 2017. This was held at the J.P. Naik Centre for Education and Development. Vigyan Ashram conducts courses on Introduction to Basic Technology (IBT) or Multi Skill Foundation Course in various schools for integrating socially useful productive work with school curriculum. The goal of Wikipedia edit-a-thon was to attempt to integrate these objectives with Wikipedia Education Program and develop long term strategies. It also aims to build resources in the field of appropriate rural technologies on Marathi Wikipedia and equip its participants with the skills necessary to contribute to Wikipedia.


A total of 23 IBT coordinators from 18 schools(of 9 districts) participated in the workshop.