Internet Governance Blog
CIS Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Speech and Expression: Surveillance Industry and Human Rights
— by Elonnai Hickok, Arindrajit Basu, Gurshabad Grover, Akriti Bopanna, Shweta Mohandas, Martyna Kalvaityte — last modified Feb 20, 2019 10:48 AMCIS responded to the call for submissions from the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Speech and Expression. The submission was on the Surveillance Industry and Human Rights.
Unbox Festival 2019: CIS organizes two Workshops
— by Saumyaa Naidu — last modified Feb 26, 2019 01:53 AMCentre for Internet & Society organized two workshops at the Unbox Festival 2019, in Bangalore, on 15 and 17 February 2019.
Data Infrastructures and Inequities: Why Does Reproductive Health Surveillance in India Need Our Urgent Attention?
— by Aayush Rathi and Ambika Tandon — last modified Dec 30, 2019 04:44 PMIn order to bring out certain conceptual and procedural problems with health monitoring in the Indian context, this article by Aayush Rathi and Ambika Tandon posits health monitoring as surveillance and not merely as a “data problem.” Casting a critical feminist lens, the historicity of surveillance practices unveils the gendered power differentials wedded into taken-for-granted “benign” monitoring processes. The unpacking of the Mother and Child Tracking System and the National Health Stack reveals the neo-liberal aspirations of the Indian state.
Intermediary liability law needs updating
— by Sunil Abraham — last modified Feb 13, 2019 12:05 AMThe time has come for India to exert its foreign policy muscle. There is a less charitable name for intermediary liability regimes like Sec 79 of the IT Act — private censorship regimes.
CIS Comment on ICANN's Draft FY20 Operating Plan and Budget
— by Akriti Bopanna — last modified Feb 12, 2019 11:44 PMAt the Centre for Internet and Society, we are grateful for the opportunity to provide our comments on the proposed draft of ICANN’s FY20 Operating Plan and Budget along with their Five-Year Operating Plan Update. As part of the public comment process, ICANN provided a list of documents which can be found here that included their highlights of the budget, the total draft budget for FY20, an operating plan segregated by portfolios, amongst others.
The Future of Work in the Automotive Sector in India
— by Harsh Bajpai, Ambika Tandon, and Amber Sinha — last modified Mar 18, 2020 09:00 AMThis report empirically studies the future of work in the automotive sector in India. The report has been authored by Harsh Bajpai, Ambika Tandon and Amber Sinha. Rakhi Sehgal and Aayush Rathi have edited the report.
Response to the Draft of The Information Technology [Intermediary Guidelines (Amendment) Rules] 2018
— by Gurshabad Grover, Elonnai Hickok, Arindrajit Basu, Akriti — last modified Feb 07, 2019 08:06 AMIn this response, we aim to examine whether the draft rules meet tests of constitutionality and whether they are consistent with the parent Act. We also examine potential harms that may arise from the Rules as they are currently framed and make recommendations to the draft rules that we hope will help the Government meet its objectives while remaining situated within the constitutional ambit.
CIS Submission to UN High Level Panel on Digital Cooperation
— by Aayush Rathi, Ambika Tandon, Arindrajit Basu and Elonnai Hickok — last modified Feb 07, 2019 07:26 AMThe UN high-level panel on Digital Cooperation issued a call for inputs that called for responses to various questions. CIS responded to the call for inputs.
CIS Submission to UN High Level Panel on Digital Co-operation
— by Aayush Rathi, Ambika Tandon, Arindrajit Basu and Elonnai Hickok — last modified Feb 19, 2019 01:41 AMThe High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation was convened by the UN Secretary-General to advance proposals to strengthen cooperation in the digital space among Governments, the private sector, civil society, international organizations, academia, the technical community and other relevant stakeholders. The Panel issued a call for input that called for responses to various questions. CIS responded to the call for inputs.
India should reconsider its proposed regulation of online content
— by Gurshabad Grover — last modified Jan 24, 2019 04:59 PMThe lack of technical considerations in the proposal is also apparent since implementing the proposal is infeasible for certain intermediaries. End-to-end encrypted messaging services cannot “identify” unlawful content since they cannot decrypt it. Presumably, the government’s intention is not to disallow end-to-end encryption so that intermediaries can monitor content.
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