Internet Governance Blog
The Appropriate Use of Digital Identity
— by Amber Sinha — last modified Aug 08, 2019 10:24 AMComments to the ID4D Practitioners’ Guide
— by Yesha Tshering Paul, Prakriti Singh, and Amber Sinha — last modified Aug 08, 2019 10:25 AMPrivate Sector and the cultivation of cyber norms in India
— by Arindrajit Basu — last modified Aug 07, 2019 03:18 PMInformation Communication Technologies (ICTs) have become a regular facet of modern existence. The growth of cyberspace has challenged traditional notions of global order and uprooted the notion of governance itself. All over the world, the private sector has become a critical player, both in framing cyber regulations and in implementing them.
Comments on the National Digital Health Blueprint
— by Samyukta Prabhu, Ambika Tandon, Torsha Sarkar and Aayush Rathi — last modified Aug 07, 2019 01:24 PMThe Ministry of Health and Family Welfare had released the National Digital Health Blueprint on 15 July 2019 for comments. The Centre for Internet & Society submitted its comments.
In India, Privacy Policies of Fintech Companies Pay Lip Service to User Rights
— by Shweta Mohandas — last modified Jul 31, 2019 02:21 AMA study of the privacy policies of 48 fintech companies that operate in India shows that none comply with even the basic requirements of the IT Rules, 2011.
The Digital Identification Parade
— by Aayush Rathi and Ambika Tandon — last modified Jul 30, 2019 12:19 AMNCRB’s proposed Automated Facial Recognition System impinges on right to privacy, is likely to target certain groups.
What is the problem with ‘Ethical AI’? An Indian Perspective
— by Arindrajit Basu and Pranav M.B. — last modified Jul 21, 2019 02:57 PMOn 22 May 2019, the OECD member countries adopted the OECD Council Recommendation on Artificial Intelligence. The Principles, meant to provide an “ethical framework” for governing Artificial Intelligence (AI), were the first set of guidelines signed by multiple governments, including non-OECD members: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru, and Romania.
Old Isn't Always Gold: FaceApp and Its Privacy Policies
— by Mira Swaminathan and Shweta Reddy — last modified Aug 09, 2019 10:12 AMLeaving aside the Red Scare for a moment, FaceApp's own rebuttal of privacy worries are highly problematic in nature.
DIDP #34 On granular detail on ICANN's budget for policy development process
— by Akriti Bopanna — last modified Jul 06, 2019 01:23 AMICANN has Advisory Committees which help guide the policy recommendations that the ICANN community develops while its Supporting Organizations are charged with developing policy recommendations for a particular aspect of ICANN's operations. Supporting Organizations are composed of volunteers from the community. ICANN publishes a combined budget for all these bodies under the head of policy development and CIS inquired about the financial resources allocated to each of them specifically.
The Impact of Consolidation in the Internet Economy on the Evolution of the Internet
— by Akriti Bopanna and Gurshabad Grover — last modified Jul 03, 2019 12:53 PMThe Centre for Internet and Society in partnership with the Internet Society organized an event on the impact of consolidation in the Internet economy. It was divided into two roundtable discussions, the first one focusing on the policies and regulation while the latter dealt with the technical evolution of the Internet. This report contributed to the Internet Society’s 2019 Global Internet Report on Consolidation in the Internet Economy.
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