Internet Governance Blog

by admin last modified Apr 05, 2016 03:40 AM

Core Concepts and Processes

by Shruti Trikanand and Amber Sinha — last modified Oct 17, 2019 04:06 PM

When we embarked on this research project, we began with the primary questions of what constitutes a digital identity system. In the last few years, with the rise in national digital identity projects, there has been significant academic and media attention to the idea, benefits and risks of a digital identity system.

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Submission to Global Commission on Stability of Cyberspace on the definition of Cyber Stability

by Arindrajit Basu and Elonnai Hickok — last modified Sep 11, 2019 02:52 PM
September 11, 2019

"The Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace released a public consultation process that sought to solicit comments and obtain feedback on the definition of “Stability of Cyberspace”, as developed by the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace (GCSC).

Submission to Global Commission on Stability of Cyberspace on the definition of Cyber Stability - Read More…

Doing Standpoint Theory

Doing Standpoint Theory

by Ambika Tandon and Aayush Rathi — last modified Sep 19, 2019 02:22 PM
September 19, 2019

Feminist research methodology has evolved from different epistemologies, with several different schools of thought. Some of the more popular ones are feminist standpoint theory, feminist empiricism, and feminist relativism.

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Future of Work in the ASEAN

by Aayush Rathi — last modified Mar 05, 2020 07:22 PM

A literature review of the future of work in automotive manufacturing and IT services in the ASEAN region, authored by Aayush Rathi, Vedika Pareek, Divij Joshi, and Pranav M B.

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Kashmir’s information vacuum

by Aayush Rathi and Akriti Bopanna — last modified Sep 02, 2019 04:34 AM

Legislative backing is being appropriated to normalise communication shutdowns.

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Linking Aadhaar with social media or ending encryption is counterproductive

by Sunil Abraham — last modified Aug 28, 2019 01:39 AM
August 28, 2019

Should Aadhaar be used as KYC for social media accounts? We have recently seen a debate on this question with even the courts hearing arguments in favour and against such a move.

Linking Aadhaar with social media or ending encryption is counterproductive - Read More…

A judicial overreach into matters of regulation

by Gurshabad Grover — last modified Aug 28, 2019 01:28 AM
August 28, 2019

A PIL on Aadhaar sheds light on some problematic trends

A judicial overreach into matters of regulation - Read More…

Rethinking the intermediary liability regime in India

by Torsha Sarkar — last modified Aug 16, 2019 01:49 AM

The article consolidates some of our broad thematic concerns with the draft amendments to the intermediary liability rules, published by MeitY last December.

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Design and Uses of Digital Identities - Research Plan

by Amber Sinha and Pooja Saxena — last modified Aug 17, 2019 07:58 AM

In our research project about uses and design of digital identity systems, we ask two core questions: a) What are appropriate uses of ID?, and b) How should we think about the technological design of ID? Towards the first research question, we have worked on first principles and will further develop definitions, legal tests and applications of these principles. Towards the second research question, we have first identified a set of existing and planned digital identity systems that represent a paradigm of how such a system can be envisioned and implemented, and will look to identify key design choices which are causing divergence in paradigm.

Design and Uses of Digital Identities - Research Plan - Read More…

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