Internet Governance Blog
Artificial Intelligence - Literature Review
— by Shruthi Anand — last modified Dec 18, 2017 03:12 PMWith origins dating back to the 1950s Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not necessarily new. However, interest in AI has been rekindled over the last few years, in no small measure due to the rapid advancement of the technology and its applications to real- world scenarios. In order to create policy in the field, understanding the literature regarding existing legal and regulatory parameters is necessary. This Literature Review is the first in a series of reports that seeks to map the development of AI, both generally and in specific sectors, culminating in a stakeholder analysis and contributions to policy-making. This Review analyses literature on the historical development of the technology, its compositional makeup, sector- specific impacts and solutions and finally, overarching regulatory solutions.
Breeding misinformation in virtual space
— by Amber Sinha — last modified Dec 08, 2017 02:24 AMA well-informed citizenry and institutions that provide good information are fundamental to a functional democracy.
India’s Data Protection Regime Must Be Built Through an Inclusive and Truly Co-Regulatory Approach
— by Amber Sinha — last modified Jan 01, 2018 04:18 PMWe must move India past its existing consultative processes for rule-making, which often prompts stakeholders to take adversarial and extremely one-sided positions.
Counter Comments on TRAI's Consultation Paper on Privacy, Security and Ownership of Data in Telecom Sector
— by Amber Sinha — last modified Nov 23, 2017 02:29 PMThe Centre for Internet & Society (CIS) has commented on the Consultation Paper on Privacy, Security and Ownership of Data in Telecom Sector published by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India on August 9, 2017.
Breach Notifications: A Step towards Cyber Security for Consumers and Citizens
— by Amelia Andersdotter — last modified Nov 14, 2017 03:38 PMThrough the Digital India project the Indian government is seeking to establish India as a digital nation at the forefront. Increasingly, this means having good cyber-security policies in place and enabling a prosperous business environment for companies that implement sound cyber-security policies. This paper will look at one such policy, which enables investments in cyber-security for IT products and services through giving consumers a way to hold business owners and public authorities to account when their security fails.
A Comparison of Legal and Regulatory Approaches to Cyber Security in India and the United Kingdom
— by Authored by Divij Joshi and edited by Elonnai Hickok — last modified Nov 14, 2017 03:26 PMThis report is the first part of a three part series of reports that compares the Indian cyber security framework with that of the U.K, U.S and Singapore.
Why Presumption of Renewal is Unsuitable for the Current Registry Market Structure
— by Padma Venkataraman — last modified Oct 31, 2017 02:53 AMWith the recent and much protested renewal of the .net legacy Top-Level-Domain (TLD), the question of the appropriate method of renewal has again come to the forefront. While this seems relatively uncontroversial to most, Padma Venkataraman, a law student and intern at CIS looks at presumptive renewal through a critical lens.
CIS’ Efforts Towards Greater Financial Disclosure by ICANN
— by Padma Venkataraman — last modified Oct 31, 2017 02:10 AMCIS has been working towards enhancing transparency and accountability at ICANN since 2014. While initial efforts have resulted in ICANN revealing its sources of income in a granular fashion in 2015, we are yet to see this level of transparency become a default approach within ICANN. Here, Padma Venkataraman chronologically maps CIS’ efforts at enhancing financial transparency and accountability at ICANN, while providing an outline of what remains to be done.
ICANN’s Problems with Accountability and the .WEB Controversy
— by Padma Venkataraman — last modified Oct 28, 2017 03:49 PMThe Post-Transition IANA promised enhanced transparency and accountability to the global multistakeholder community. The series of events surrounding the .WEB auction earlier this year has stirred up issues relating to the lack of transparency and accountability of ICANN. This post examines the .WEB auction as a case study to better understand exact gaps in accountability.
GDPR and India: A Comparative Analysis
— by Aditi Chaturvedi — last modified Nov 28, 2017 03:17 PMAt present, companies world over are in the process of assessing the impact that EU General Data Protection Regulations (“GDPR”) will have on their businesses.
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