Internet Governance Blog
Sectoral Privacy Research
— by Vanya Rakesh — last modified Jan 03, 2016 09:46 AMThe Centre for Internet and Society, India has been researching privacy in India since the year 2010, with special focus on the following issues.

Privacy Policy Research
— by Vanya Rakesh — last modified Jan 03, 2016 09:40 AMThe Centre Internet and Society, India has been researching privacy policy in India since the year 2010 with the following objectives.

DNA Research
— by Vanya Rakesh — last modified Jul 21, 2016 11:02 AMIn 2006, the Department of Biotechnology drafted the Human DNA Profiling Bill. In 2012 a revised Bill was released and a group of Experts was constituted to finalize the Bill. In 2014, another version was released, the approval of which is pending before the Parliament. This legislation will allow the government of India to Create a National DNA Data Bank and a DNA Profiling Board for the purposes of forensic research and analysis. Here is a collection of our research on privacy and security concerns related to the Bill.

UID Research
— by Vanya Rakesh — last modified Jan 03, 2016 09:59 AMThe Centre Internet and Society, India has been researching privacy policy in India since the year 2010 with the following objectives.
The Humpty-Dumpty Censorship of Television in India
— by Bhairav Acharya — last modified Nov 29, 2015 08:37 AMThe Modi government’s attack on Sathiyam TV is another manifestation of the Indian state’s paranoia of the medium of film and television, and consequently, the irrational controlling impulse of the law.
The Short-lived Adventure of India’s Encryption Policy
— by Bhairav Acharya — last modified Nov 29, 2015 09:03 AMWritten for the Berkeley Information Privacy Law Association (BIPLA).
Predictive Policing: What is it, How it works, and its Legal Implications
— by Rohan George — last modified Nov 24, 2015 04:31 PMThis article reviews literature surrounding big data and predictive policing and provides an analysis of the legal implications of using predictive policing techniques in the Indian context.
Policy Brief: Oversight Mechanisms for Surveillance
— by Elonnai Hickok — last modified Nov 24, 2015 06:09 AM
WhatsApps with fireworks, apps with diyas: Why Diwali needs to go beyond digital
— by Nishant Shah — last modified Nov 23, 2015 01:27 PMThe idea of a 'digital' Diwali reduces our social relationships to a ledger of give and take. The last fortnight, I have been bombarded with advertisements selling the idea of a “Digital Diwali”. We have become so used to the idea that everything that is digital is modern, better and more efficient.
Summary Report Internet Governance Forum 2015
— by Jyoti Panday — last modified Nov 30, 2015 10:47 AMCentre for Internet and Society (CIS), India participated in the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) held at Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Joao Pessoa in Brazil from 10 November 2015 to 13 November 2015. The theme of IGF 2015 was ‘Evolution of Internet Governance: Empowering Sustainable Development’. Sunil Abraham, Pranesh Prakash & Jyoti Panday from CIS actively engaged and made substantive contributions to several key issues affecting internet governance at the IGF 2015. The issue-wise detail of their engagement is set out below.
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