
by Ben Bas last modified May 02, 2016 05:53 AM

MHRD IPR Chair Series: Information Received from Tezpur University

by Karan Tripathi — last modified Apr 26, 2016 04:27 PM

This post provides a factual description about the operation of Ministry of Human Resource Development IPR Chair’s Intellectual Property Education, Research and Public Outreach (IPERPO) scheme in Tezpur University. The author has analysed all the data received under various heads such as income, grants from MHRD, planned and non planned expenditure, nature and frequency of programmes organised and the allocation of funds for the same.

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Responses to the DIPP's Discussion Paper on SEPs and their Availability on FRAND Terms

by Anubha Sinha, Nehaa Chaudhari, and Rohini Lakshané — last modified Jul 07, 2016 04:24 PM
April 23, 2016

The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Government of India, requested comments through its "Discussion Paper on Standard Essential Patents and Their Availability on FRAND Terms" on March 1, 2016. This post is a compilation of various comments submitted in response to it.

Responses to the DIPP's Discussion Paper on SEPs and their Availability on FRAND Terms - Read More…

Global Congress 2015 - A Collection of Resources

Global Congress 2015 - A Collection of Resources

by Nisha S Kumar — last modified May 03, 2016 02:24 AM

The 4th edition of the Global Congress 2015 was organized at the National Law School of India University in New Delhi from 15 - 17 December 2015. The largest ever in Asia, the Global Congress was jointly organized by the Centre for Internet & Society (CIS) in association with National Law University, Delhi, Open A.I.R., CREATe, Columbia University and American University.

Global Congress 2015 - A Collection of Resources - Read More…

Report of the 30th Session of the WIPO SCCR by the Centre for Internet & Society

by Nehaa Chaudhari — last modified Apr 04, 2016 02:39 PM

This report was edited by Nehaa Chaudhari, Programme Officer; compiled with assistance from Nisha S.K., Administrator, and, Aarushi Bansal, Amulya P., and Saahil Dama, interns.

Report of the 30th Session of the WIPO SCCR by the Centre for Internet & Society - Read More…

CIS - A2K Work Plan: July 2016 - June 2017

CIS - A2K Work Plan: July 2016 - June 2017

by Sunil Abraham — last modified Apr 29, 2016 09:36 AM

One of the key mandates of the Access to Knowledge (A2K) program at the Centre for Internet and Society (CIS) is to work towards catalyzing the growth of the free and open knowledge movement in Indic languages. CIS has been a steward of the Wikimedia movement in India since December 2008. Since September 2012, we at CIS-A2K, have been actively involved in growing the movement in India through (i) a grant received from the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) for the period September 2012 - June 2014, (ii) the FDC Grant received for the period July 2014 - June 2015 and (iii) the FDC Grant received for the period July 2015 - June 2016. Based on the productive experience of working with various Indic Wikimedia communities, CIS-A2K has developed this work plan for July 2016 to June 2017.

CIS - A2K Work Plan: July 2016 - June 2017 - Read More…

Dataset: Patent Landscape of Mobile Device Technologies in India

by Rohini Lakshané — last modified May 03, 2016 08:06 PM

Patent landscape of mobile technology patents and patent applications held by 50 companies operating in India. Licensed CC-BY-SA 4.0.

Dataset: Patent Landscape of Mobile Device Technologies in India - Read More…

Patents and Mobile Devices in India: An Empirical Survey

by Rohini Lakshané — last modified Mar 29, 2017 04:03 AM

Though India has the second-largest wireless subscriber base in the world, with more than 150 mobile device vendors, it has, until recently, remained relatively unaffected by the global smartphone wars. Over the past three years, however, a growing number of patent enforcement actions have been brought by multinational firms against domestic Indian producers. These actions, which have largely resulted in judgments favoring foreign patent holders, have given rise to a variety of proposals for addressing this situation.

Patents and Mobile Devices in India: An Empirical Survey - Read More…

8 Challenges In Growing Indian-Language Wikipedias

by Prasad Krishna — last modified Jun 18, 2016 05:11 PM

While speaking at BHASHA: Indian Languages Digital Festival, a day-long discourse at New Delhi on Indian languages and their state in new media, especially digital platforms, I touched upon Wikipedia in Indian languages. Most people, in fact, do not even know that Wikipedia exists in many Indian languages.

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Eight Challenges That Indian-Language Wikipedias Need to Overcome

Eight Challenges That Indian-Language Wikipedias Need to Overcome

by Subhashish Panigrahi — last modified Mar 29, 2016 05:05 PM

Even after a decade of existence, Indian language Wikipedias are not yet known to many Indian language speakers. Wikipedia, being the largest available encyclopedia made in the human history, it what it is today because of the hundreds and thousands of volunteer-editors. But while native-language Wikipedias are becoming game-changers in other corners of the world, the scenario in India is skewed. In my experience, here are a number of challenges that Indian-language Wikipedias are currently facing.

Eight Challenges That Indian-Language Wikipedias Need to Overcome - Read More…

8 Challenges for Improving Indian Language Wikipedias

8 Challenges for Improving Indian Language Wikipedias

by Subhashish Panigrahi — last modified Mar 29, 2016 05:05 PM

After more than 10 years in existence, the Indian-language Wikipedias still are not known to many Indian language speakers. Wikipedia became the largest encyclopedia in history as a result of thousands of volunteer editors.

8 Challenges for Improving Indian Language Wikipedias - Read More…

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