Cyber Fears: What scares Digital Natives and those around them

Posted by Samuel Tettner at Apr 08, 2011 08:45 AM |
Societies around the world are quickly digitising ...Twitter.... ...Facebook... ...Wireless accessible everywhere... “Digital Natives” are those who have figured how to use these technologies to their full potential But even they have real fears. If you are a Digital Native, are related to one or work with/alongside with one come share your fears with us! Blogathon: Many people bloging together at the same time on a shared topic Date: Monday April 18th, 2011 On

This is the 2nd blogathon of the "Digital Natives with a Cause?" project.

A blogathon is an event where people from all over the world blog about a shared topic together, at the same time, giving an interesting cross-cultural snapshot of the issue at hand.

We all have dreams, hopes and aspirations. What are you afraid of? in your personal life? in your practice? in your politics? or in your ideology?

As a young person using digital technologies - what scares you?

As someone who is related to a digital native - what scares you?

As someone who works with/along digital natives - what scares you?

Let's find out from 1st person accounts what scares young digital people, what scares their relatives and what scares their co-workers and team mates. Let's move beyond the stereotypes, the sensationalism and the mystery which surrounds this exciting concept, the "Digital Native". Tell us what you think!

come share your thoughts along with people from all over the world.

Blog together as one in the 2nd blogathon of "Digital Natives with a Cause?".

Sample fears:

If you are a digital native:
Are you scared of censorship or being denied access to the internet? are you scared of being stereotyped as geeky or nerdy? are you scared of the expectations society puts on you? Are you afraid of revealing too much of yourself online? are you simply afraid that the power might go out in the middle of the day?

If you are the parent / relative of a digital native:
Popular depictions paint older generations as paranoid of the access enjoyed by digital natives. Is this really true? is it true for you? are you afraid of what a digital native might be doing online? are you afraid of new technologies themselves? Do you have any fears that are not being articulated by current dialogues?

If you work with digital natives:
Are you afraid of the easy at which young people use digital technologies? are you afraid they might be under utilizing the potential of these tools?

Date: Monday April 18th, 2011
email: [email protected]
or check out the FB event:


Check out the Cyber fears poster



Samuel Tettner

The child of Jewish Romanian immigrant and Italian-Venezuelan parents, Samuel has always had an eclectic identity and personality. At age 15, he emigrated to the United States and went on to study public policy with a concentration on philosophy, science & technology. Since January 2010, Samuel resides in India, where he co-coordinates the Digital Natives with a Cause? project. His interests include information and innovation systems, technology-enabled education, knowledge networks, and all that is open-source, collaborative and dynamic.