Internet Governance Blog

by kaeru — last modified Oct 18, 2011 06:40 AM

AI: Full Spectrum Regulatory Challenge Launch Workshop [Reference Files]

Posted by Pranav M B at Oct 01, 2019 12:40 PM |

These are the files released at the AI Full Spectrum Regulatory Challenge Launch Event, organised by CIS, and CCG-NLUD on September 27 2019. At the event, Sunil Abraham discussed the draft policy brief linked below, which is an output of the Regulatory Practices Lab at CIS.

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Artificial Intelligence: a Full-Spectrum Regulatory Challenge [Working Draft]

Today, there are certain misconceptions regarding the regulation of AI. Some corporations would like us to believe that AI is being developed and used in a regulatory vacuum. Others in civil society organisations believe that AI is a regulatory circumvention strategy deployed by corporations. As a result, these organisations call for onerous regulations targeting corporations. However, some uses of AI by corporations can be completely benign and some uses AI by the state can result in the most egregious human rights violations. Therefore policy makers need to throw every regulatory tool from their arsenal to unlock the benefits of AI and mitigate its harms.

This policy brief proposes a granular, full spectrum approach to the regulation of AI depending on who is using AI, who is impacted by that use and what human rights are impacted. Everything from deregulation, to forbearance, to updated regulations, to absolute and blanket prohibitions needs to be considered depending on the specifics. This approach stands in contrast to approaches of ethics, omnibus law, homogeneous principles, and human rights, which will result in inappropriate under-regulation or over-regulation of the sector.

Find a copy of the working draft here.

Setting International Norms of Cyber Conflict is Hard, But that Doesn't Mean that We Should Stop Trying

Posted by Arindrajit Basu and Karan Saini at Sep 30, 2019 07:00 PM |
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Last month, cyber-defense analyst and geostrategist Pukhraj Singh penned a stinging epitaph, published by MWI, for global norms-formulation processes that are attempting to foster cyber stability and regulate cyber conflict—specifically, the Tallinn Manual.

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Comparison of the Manila Principles to Draft of The Information Technology [Intermediary Guidelines(Amendment) Rules], 2018

Posted by Akriti Bopanna and Gayatri Puthran at Sep 30, 2019 02:25 PM |

This paper looks at the Manila Principles intermediary liability framework in comparison to the amended draft Information Technology [Intermediaries Guidelines (Amendment)] Rules, 2018 introduced by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) in December, 2018.

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Examining the Constitutionality of the Ban on Broadcast of News by Private FM and Community Radio Stations

Posted by Gurshabad Grover, Torsha Sarkar, Rajashri Seal and Neil Trivedi at Sep 27, 2019 04:36 PM |

Gurshabad Grover and Torsha Sarkar along with Rajashri Seal and Neil Trivedi co-authored a paper that examined the constitutionality of the government prohibition on the broadcast of news against private and community FM channels.

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Capturing Gender and Class Inequities: The CCTVisation of Delhi

Posted by Aayush Rathi and Ambika Tandon at Sep 27, 2019 03:24 PM |

Ambika Tandon and Aayush Rathi generated empirical evidence about the CCTV programme well underway in Delhi. The case study was published by Centre for Development Informatics, Global Development Institute, SEED, in the Development Informatics working paper series housed at the University of Manchester.

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Core Concepts and Processes

Posted by Shruti Trikanand and Amber Sinha at Sep 13, 2019 08:00 PM |

When we embarked on this research project, we began with the primary questions of what constitutes a digital identity system. In the last few years, with the rise in national digital identity projects, there has been significant academic and media attention to the idea, benefits and risks of a digital identity system.

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Submission to Global Commission on Stability of Cyberspace on the definition of Cyber Stability

Posted by Arindrajit Basu and Elonnai Hickok at Sep 11, 2019 01:35 AM |

"The Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace released a public consultation process that sought to solicit comments and obtain feedback on the definition of “Stability of Cyberspace”, as developed by the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace (GCSC).

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Doing Standpoint Theory

Doing Standpoint Theory

Posted by Ambika Tandon and Aayush Rathi at Sep 01, 2019 09:00 PM |
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Feminist research methodology has evolved from different epistemologies, with several different schools of thought. Some of the more popular ones are feminist standpoint theory, feminist empiricism, and feminist relativism.

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Future of Work in the ASEAN

A literature review of the future of work in automotive manufacturing and IT services in the ASEAN region, authored by Aayush Rathi, Vedika Pareek, Divij Joshi, and Pranav M B.

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Kashmir’s information vacuum

Posted by Aayush Rathi and Akriti Bopanna at Aug 29, 2019 10:00 PM |

Legislative backing is being appropriated to normalise communication shutdowns.

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Linking Aadhaar with social media or ending encryption is counterproductive

Posted by Sunil Abraham at Aug 28, 2019 01:39 AM |

Should Aadhaar be used as KYC for social media accounts? We have recently seen a debate on this question with even the courts hearing arguments in favour and against such a move.

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A judicial overreach into matters of regulation

Posted by Gurshabad Grover at Aug 28, 2019 01:28 AM |

A PIL on Aadhaar sheds light on some problematic trends

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Rethinking the intermediary liability regime in India

Posted by Torsha Sarkar at Aug 16, 2019 01:49 AM |

The article consolidates some of our broad thematic concerns with the draft amendments to the intermediary liability rules, published by MeitY last December.

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Design and Uses of Digital Identities - Research Plan

Posted by Amber Sinha and Pooja Saxena at Aug 08, 2019 10:15 AM |

In our research project about uses and design of digital identity systems, we ask two core questions: a) What are appropriate uses of ID?, and b) How should we think about the technological design of ID? Towards the first research question, we have worked on first principles and will further develop definitions, legal tests and applications of these principles. Towards the second research question, we have first identified a set of existing and planned digital identity systems that represent a paradigm of how such a system can be envisioned and implemented, and will look to identify key design choices which are causing divergence in paradigm.

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Holding ID Issuers Accountable, What Works?

Holding ID Issuers Accountable, What Works?

Posted by Shruti Trikanad and Amber Sinha at Aug 08, 2019 10:10 AM |

Together with the Institute of Technology & Society (ITS), Brazil, and the Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law (CIPIT), Kenya, CIS participated at a side event in RightsCon 2019 held in Tunisia, titled Holding ID Issuers Accountable, What Works?, organised by the Omidyar Network. The event was attended by researchers and advocates from nearly 20 countries. Read the event report here.

The Appropriate Use of Digital Identity

As governments across the globe implement new, foundational, digital identification systems (“Digital ID”), or modernize existing ID programs, there is dire need for greater research and discussion about appropriate uses of Digital ID systems. This significant momentum for creating Digital ID in several parts of the world has been accompanied with concerns about the privacy and exclusion harms of a state issued Digital ID system, resulting in campaigns and litigations in countries such as UK, India, Kenya, and Jamaica. Given the very large range of considerations required to evaluate Digital ID projects, it is necessary to think of evaluation frameworks that can be used for this purpose.

At RightsCon 2019 in Tunis, we presented working drafts on appropriate use of Digital ID by the partner organisations of this three-region research alliance - ITS from Brazil, CIPIT from Kenya, and CIS from India.

In the draft by CIS, we propose a set of principles against which Digital ID may be evaluated. We hope that these draft principles can evolve into a set of best practices that can be used by policymakers when they create and implement Digital ID systems, provide guidance to civil society examinations of Digital ID and highlight questions for further research on the subject. We have drawn from approaches used in documents such as the necessary and proportionate principles, the OECD privacy guidelines and scholarship on harms based approach.

Read and comment on CIS’s Draft framework here.

Download Working drafts by CIPIT, CIS, and ITS here.


Comments to the ID4D Practitioners’ Guide

Posted by Yesha Tshering Paul, Prakriti Singh, and Amber Sinha at Aug 08, 2019 09:45 AM |

This post presents our comments to the ID4D Practitioners’ Guide: Draft For Consultation released by ID4D in June, 2019. CIS has conducted research on issues related to digital identity since 2012. This submission is divided into three main parts. The first part (General Comments) contains the high-level comments on the Practitioners’ Guide, while the second part (Specific Comments) addresses individual sections in the Guide. The third and final part (Additional Comments) does not relate to particulars in the Practitioners' Guide but other documents that it relies upon. We submitted these comments to ID4D on August 5, 2019. Read our comments here.

Private Sector and the cultivation of cyber norms in India

Posted by Arindrajit Basu at Aug 07, 2019 03:18 PM |

Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) have become a regular facet of modern existence. The growth of cyberspace has challenged traditional notions of global order and uprooted the notion of governance itself. All over the world, the private sector has become a critical player, both in framing cyber regulations and in implementing them.

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Comments on the National Digital Health Blueprint

Posted by Samyukta Prabhu, Ambika Tandon, Torsha Sarkar and Aayush Rathi at Aug 07, 2019 01:24 PM |

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare had released the National Digital Health Blueprint on 15 July 2019 for comments. The Centre for Internet & Society submitted its comments.

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