News & Media

by kaeru — last modified Sep 23, 2014 07:18 AM

Democracy and the Internet in 2017

by Prasad Krishna last modified Mar 28, 2017 03:19 PM

Vidushi Marda gave a talk at St. Joseph's College of Commerce in Bengaluru on January 25, 2017. Vidushi spoke about democracy and the internet. The 50 minute talk was followed by 20 minutes of questions/comments.

Democracy and the Internet in 2017 - Read More…

CIS representation at ICANN 58

by Prasad Krishna last modified Mar 28, 2017 02:22 PM

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) organized ICANN 58 at Copenhagen from March 9 to March 16, 2017. On behalf of the Centre for Internet & Society (CIS), Vidushi Marda participated in the event and made a presentation.

CIS representation at ICANN 58 - Read More…

India’s biometric ID scans make sci-fi a reality

by Prasad Krishna last modified Mar 28, 2017 02:45 AM

I have been thinking about my fingerprints and the secrets that may lie within my eyes — and whether I want to share them with the Indian government. I may not however have a choice.

India’s biometric ID scans make sci-fi a reality - Read More…

Other Than Women: Exploring Harassment and Difference Online

by Prasad Krishna last modified Mar 27, 2017 04:11 PM

A satellite session at RightsCon in Brussels is being organized by the Tactical Technology Collective on March 28, 2017. Rohini Lakshané is a speaker at this event.

Other Than Women: Exploring Harassment and Difference Online - Read More…

Round Table on Privacy and Data Protection at NIPFP

by Prasad Krishna last modified Mar 27, 2017 04:02 PM

National Institute of Public Finance & Policy organized a round-table on privacy and data protection on March 24, 2017 in New Delhi.

Round Table on Privacy and Data Protection at NIPFP - Read More…

Why We Should All Worry About The Mandatory Imposition Of Aadhaar

by Prasad Krishna last modified Mar 27, 2017 03:02 PM

It appears that with each passing day, the government is linking an increasing number of benefits and government services to the 12-digit biometric-based Aadhaar number for Indians, despite growing concerns around its data privacy and security.

Why We Should All Worry About The Mandatory Imposition Of Aadhaar - Read More…

Privacy concerns multiply for Aadhaar, India’s national biometric identity registry

by Prasad Krishna last modified Mar 22, 2017 02:38 PM

The largest and most sophisticated biometric identity system of any country in the world, India’s Aadhaar, is sparking new fears that the personal data it stores on more than 1.1 billion people could be vulnerable to exploitation.

Privacy concerns multiply for Aadhaar, India’s national biometric identity registry - Read More…

No ID, no benefits: thousands could lose lifeline under India’s biometric scheme

by Prasad Krishna last modified Mar 22, 2017 02:27 PM

Controversial Aadhaar card restricts fundamental rights, argue critics, limiting access to free school meals and exposing 1 billion people to privacy risks.

No ID, no benefits: thousands could lose lifeline under India’s biometric scheme - Read More…

EVMs: How transparent is the Indian election process?

by Prasad Krishna last modified Mar 17, 2017 01:57 AM

Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) have become a bone of contention after the results of the Assembly elections in five states were declared last Saturday and the BSP president Mayawati alleged tampering. The Congress party and the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) have called for a probe into her allegation. Social media too is abuzz with messages and videos showing how the machines can be allegedly manipulated to sway the votes in favour of a particular candidate.

EVMs: How transparent is the Indian election process? - Read More…

Nasscom chief saying full data protection isn’t possible should wake us from our digital slumber

by Prasad Krishna last modified Mar 17, 2017 01:47 AM

Considering India is rapidly moving towards a digital economy, the hurdles not withstanding, data and identity security are topics which have to be taken very seriously. Since the demonetisation, a large part of the population who would never bother with digital transactions has suddenly come online. But there is no such thing as complete security of personal data, according to Nasscom chief R Chandrashekhar.

Nasscom chief saying full data protection isn’t possible should wake us from our digital slumber - Read More…

AI for Social Good

by Prasad Krishna last modified Mar 15, 2017 01:22 AM

AI in Asia event was organised by the Digital Asia Hub on March 6 and 7, 2017 in Tokyo, Japan. The event partners were Waseda University, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, NICT, NTT and the Japan Society of Information and Communication Research. Udbhav Tiwari attended the event.

AI for Social Good - Read More…

The 12-digit conundrum

by Prasad Krishna last modified Mar 14, 2017 01:50 PM

Even as the Centre plans to link as many as 500 schemes to Aadhaar, concerns over data safety are rising. Richa Mishra reports.

The 12-digit conundrum - Read More…

Fake News, Rumors & Online Content Regulation

by Prasad Krishna last modified Feb 28, 2017 02:46 AM

Medianama and Mint organized #NAMApolicy open house on 'Fake News, Rumors & Online Content Regulation' on February 22, 2017 at the India Habitat Centre. Japreet Grewal and Amber Sinha attended the event.

Fake News, Rumors & Online Content Regulation - Read More…

India To Let Private Companies Access Citizens’ Biometric Data

by Prasad Krishna last modified Feb 27, 2017 03:09 PM

India, home to the world’s largest national biometric registry, plans to begin sharing citizens’ data with the country’s private companies and startups.

India To Let Private Companies Access Citizens’ Biometric Data - Read More…

T20 Mumbai 2017: Dialogue on the Emerging World Economy

by Prasad Krishna last modified Feb 27, 2017 03:04 PM

Gateway House, Indian Council on Global Relations organized a dialogue on emerging world economy in Mumbai on 13 and 14 February 2017. Elonnai Hickok participated in the event.

T20 Mumbai 2017: Dialogue on the Emerging World Economy - Read More…

Is Your Aadhar Biometrics Safe? Firms Accused Of Storing Biometrics And Using Them Illegally

Is Your Aadhar Biometrics Safe? Firms Accused Of Storing Biometrics And Using Them Illegally

by Prasad Krishna last modified Feb 27, 2017 01:56 AM

Fears of Aadhar biometric security have been compounded as the government is sprinting towards the next phase of ‘cashless India’ and digitization

Is Your Aadhar Biometrics Safe? Firms Accused Of Storing Biometrics And Using Them Illegally - Read More…

LinkedIn will help people in India train for semi-skilled jobs

by Prasad Krishna last modified Feb 24, 2017 01:51 AM

Microsoft has launched Project Sangam, a cloud service integrated with LinkedIn that will help train and generate employment for middle and low-skilled workers.

LinkedIn will help people in India train for semi-skilled jobs - Read More…

No Genie At Your Fingertips

by Prasad Krishna last modified Feb 16, 2017 04:02 PM

Aadhaar biometrics will now enable cashless shopping sans card and smartphone. A look at the hopes and fears.

No Genie At Your Fingertips - Read More…

Digital illusions

by Prasad Krishna last modified Feb 16, 2017 02:53 PM

The Watal Committee’s report presents the government with an impossible road map to a cashless nirvana.

Digital illusions - Read More…

India's Aadhaar with biometric details of its billion citizens is making experts uncomfortable

by Prasad Krishna last modified Feb 14, 2017 02:57 PM

"Indians in general have yet to understand the meaning and essence of privacy," says Member of Parliament, Tathagata Satpathy.

India's Aadhaar with biometric details of its billion citizens is making experts uncomfortable - Read More…

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