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Cool Jobs | Parmesh Shahani, Head, Godrej India Culture Lab
The man behind Mumbai’s most original ideas space on being a cross-pollinator by Prasad Krishna last modified Jan 17, 2013 05:55 AM — Filed under:
Learn It Yourself
The peer-to-peer world of online learning encourages conversations and reciprocal learning, writes Nishant Shah in an article published in the Indian Express ... by Prasad Krishna last modified Dec 23, 2011 05:01 AM — Filed under:
Netizen Report: Transparency Edition
Global Voices Online has carried a feature story, "Netizen Report: Transparency Edition". We at CIS had filed an RTI application about website blocking. This ... by Prasad Krishna last modified Nov 09, 2011 04:31 AM — Filed under: ,
Droidcon India, first Android Conference in Bangalore
HasGeek is happy to announce the forthcoming Droidcon India on the 18th and 19th of November 2011 at the MLR Convention Centre in Bangalore., ... by Prasad Krishna last modified Nov 24, 2011 04:17 AM — Filed under: ,
Report on the 4th Privacy Round Table meeting
This report entails an overview of the discussions and recommendations of the fourth Privacy Round Table in Mumbai, on 15th June 2013. by Maria Xynou last modified Jul 12, 2013 11:04 AM — Filed under: , ,
SEBI and Communication Surveillance: New Rules, New Responsibilities?
In this blog post, Kovey Coles writes about the activities of the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI), discusses the importance of call data records ... by Kovey Coles last modified Jul 12, 2013 10:51 AM — Filed under: , ,
Privacy Round Table, Kolkata
The Centre for Internet and Society, the Federation for Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, and the Data Security Council of India cordially invite you ... by Prasad Krishna last modified Jul 10, 2013 06:11 AM — Filed under: , ,
Indian govt blocks 40 smut sites, forgets to give reason
Don't mind us, we're just censoring your content for you... by Prasad Krishna last modified Jul 01, 2013 09:04 AM — Filed under: , ,
Concerns over central snoop
Eyebrows have been raised at the Centre’s single-window system to intercept phone calls and internet exchanges — the desi version of the US’s surveillance ... by Prasad Krishna last modified Jul 01, 2013 09:33 AM — Filed under: ,
Govt goes after porn, makes ISPs ban sites
The government has decided to put a blanket ban on several websites that allow users to share pornographic content. by Prasad Krishna last modified Jul 01, 2013 10:11 AM — Filed under: , ,
Way to watch
The domestic surveillance regime in India lacks adequate safeguards. by Chinmayi Arun last modified Jul 01, 2013 10:17 AM — Filed under: ,
Indian student in Cornell University hacks into ICSE, ISC database
A 20-year-old Indian student from Cornell University hacked into the database of ICSE (Class X) and ISC (Class XII) school exam results, exposed glaring ... by Prasad Krishna last modified Jul 02, 2013 07:39 AM — Filed under:
Sweden 'must raise its net freedom profile'
While promoting internet freedom is a policy priority for Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt, Sweden's efforts remain largely unknown, according a new report ... by Prasad Krishna last modified Jul 02, 2013 09:57 AM — Filed under:
Govt mulls advisory on privacy issues related to Google, Facebook
The Government is set to harden its stand against foreign Internet firms in asking them to comply with Indian laws. by Prasad Krishna last modified Jul 02, 2013 02:31 PM — Filed under: ,
A Technological Solution to the Challenges of Online Defamation
When people are insulted or humiliated on the Internet and decide to take legal action, their cases often follow a similar trajectory. by Eduardo Bertoni last modified Jul 02, 2013 02:47 PM — Filed under: ,
Indian surveillance laws & practices far worse than US
Explosive would be just the word to describe the revelations by National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden. by Pranesh Prakash last modified Jul 12, 2013 11:09 AM — Filed under: , , ,
Pranesh Prakash on the US snooping into Indian cyber space
Pranesh Prakash, Policy Director, Center for Internet and Society, talks about the ramifications of US incursion into the privacy of Indians through cyber ... by Prasad Krishna last modified Jul 02, 2013 04:19 PM — Filed under: ,
Governance in the Age of the Internet and Free Trade Agreements
Sunil Abraham was a speaker at this event organized by Thai Netizen Network on June 8, 2013 at Queen Sirikit National Convention Center. The Ministry of ... by Prasad Krishna last modified Jul 03, 2013 05:04 AM — Filed under: , ,
Privacy Protection Bill, 2013 (With Amendments based on Public Feedback)
In 2013 CIS drafted the Privacy Protection Bill as a citizens' version of a privacy legislation for India. Since April 2013, CIS has been holding Privacy ... by Elonnai Hickok last modified Jul 12, 2013 10:50 AM — Filed under: , , ,
Comments to the Draft National Health Data Management Policy 2.0
Anamika Kundu, Shweta Mohandas and Pallavi Bedi along with 9 other organizations / individuals drafted comments to the Draft National Health Data Management ... by Anamika Kundu, Shweta Mohandas and Pallavi Bedi last modified May 24, 2022 04:06 PM — Filed under: , , ,
Artificial Intelligence - Literature Review
With origins dating back to the 1950s Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not necessarily new. However, interest in AI has been rekindled over the last few years, ... by Shruthi Anand last modified Dec 18, 2017 03:12 PM — Filed under: , ,
Indian activists slam FCC decision to ditch net neutrality
Indian net neutrality activists are assured the ongoing net neutrality tussle in the US will have no impact on India. by Admin last modified Dec 18, 2017 03:27 PM — Filed under: ,
Should Aadhaar be mandatory?
This week, a constitutional bench of the Supreme Court will adjudicate on limited questions of stay orders in the Aadhaar case. After numerous attempts by the ... by Amber Sinha last modified Dec 18, 2017 03:54 PM — Filed under: , ,
Amid Unrest in the Valley, Students See a Dark Wall
Strap: Frequent, prolonged restrictions on internet have kept many from using the learning resource. by Aakash Hassan last modified Dec 21, 2017 02:07 PM — Filed under: ,
How Media beat the Shutdown in Darjeeling
Strap:Journalists did what the state was expected to do: fight rumours. by Manish Adhikary last modified Dec 19, 2017 03:57 PM — Filed under: ,
The Rising Stars in Music Loath Losing their Only Platform
Strap: The music from Kashmir wants to find a way out, but shutting internet down only adds to the bitterness. by Umar Shah and Mir Farhat last modified Dec 21, 2017 03:59 PM — Filed under: ,
Sorry, Business Closed until Internet is Back On
Strap: Exporters say they lose face with international clients when internet shutdowns block deliveries. by Nalanda Tambe last modified Dec 19, 2017 04:25 PM — Filed under: ,
Days to Derail Work of Two Generations?
Strap: How an internet shutdown hurt a family woodwork business. by Mahesh Kumar Shiva last modified Dec 21, 2017 04:18 PM — Filed under: ,
Every Town had its Jio Dara
Strap: In the hills of Darjeeling, residents facing an indefinite internet shutdown were thrown an unexpected lifeline in the form of 'Jio dara', a feeble ... by Ayswarya Murthy last modified Dec 21, 2017 04:24 PM — Filed under: ,
Taxes in the Time of Internet Shutdown
Strap: Darjeeling businesses buckle under a bandh, network ban, and GST by Avijit Sarkar last modified Dec 20, 2017 03:49 PM — Filed under: ,