News & Media

by kaeru — last modified Sep 23, 2014 07:18 AM

Plug data leak before imposing Aadhaar

by Prasad Krishna last modified May 17, 2017 02:10 AM

As the Central government continues to expand the scope and boundaries of the applicability of Aadhaar, the unique identification number, even before the Supreme Court’s verdict on its constitutional validity, reports suggesting that millions of Aadhaar numbers may have been leaked deliberately or inadvertently are a matter of grave concern.

Plug data leak before imposing Aadhaar - Read More…

India is building a biometric database for 1.3 billion people — and enrollment is mandatory

by Prasad Krishna last modified May 12, 2017 04:22 PM

Inside the buzzing enrollment agency, young professionals wearing slim-fitting jeans and lanyards around their necks tapped away at keyboards and fiddled with fingerprint scanning devices as they helped build the biggest and most ambitious biometric database ever conceived.

India is building a biometric database for 1.3 billion people — and enrollment is mandatory - Read More…

Aadhaar: Are a billion identities at risk on India's biometric database

by Prasad Krishna last modified May 20, 2017 06:38 AM

"My fingerprints and iris are mine and my own. The state cannot take away my body," a lawyer told India's Supreme Court last week.

Aadhaar: Are a billion identities at risk on India's biometric database - Read More…

In The Biggest Data Leak, Info Of 13 Crore Aadhaar Card Holders Has Been Compromised And Is Available Online

by Prasad Krishna last modified May 12, 2017 03:59 PM

The Modi government has been trying to make Aadhaar mandatory for everything from Income Tax return, buying a SIM card, bank transaction, train ticket, air travel, mid-day meal government subsidies etc.

In The Biggest Data Leak, Info Of 13 Crore Aadhaar Card Holders Has Been Compromised And Is Available Online - Read More…

Why Aadhaar leaks should worry you, and is biometrics really safe?

by Prasad Krishna last modified May 12, 2017 03:48 PM

What’s worrying is that the UIDAI seems to always be in denial mode over security concerns.

Why Aadhaar leaks should worry you, and is biometrics really safe? - Read More…

Aadhaar numbers of 135 mn may have leaked, claims CIS report

by Prasad Krishna last modified May 12, 2017 03:40 PM

Aadhaar numbers and personal information of as many as 135 million Indians could have been leaked from four government portals due to lack of IT security practices, the Centre for Internet and Society has claimed.

Aadhaar numbers of 135 mn may have leaked, claims CIS report - Read More…

Aadhaar's the largest biometric database globally but it is leaky by design

by Prasad Krishna last modified May 12, 2017 03:35 PM

It the largest biometric database in the world and it is fraught with security issues.

Aadhaar's the largest biometric database globally but it is leaky by design - Read More…

आधार नंबर, नाम, पता, बैंक अकाउंट और दूसरी संवेदनशील जानकारियां लीक: CIS रिपोर्ट

by Prasad Krishna last modified May 20, 2017 11:40 AM

एक तरफ भारत सरकार लोगों से अपना आधार कार्ड बनवाने और उसे जरूरी सर्विसों के साथ जोड़ने की अपील कर रही है. दूसरी तरफ लगातार सरकारी वेबसाइट्स से लोगों की आधार से जुड़ी जानकारियां लीक हो रही हैं. सरकार ने आधार को लगभग सभी सर्विसों के लिए जरूरी करने की तैयारी की है.

आधार नंबर, नाम, पता, बैंक अकाउंट और दूसरी संवेदनशील जानकारियां लीक: CIS रिपोर्ट - Read More…

Aadhaar data of 130 millions, bank account details leaked from govt websites: Report

by Prasad Krishna last modified May 20, 2017 09:13 AM

Just how leaky is the Aadhaar data? A lot, says a study published by Centre for Internet and Society, a Bengaluru-based organisation (CIS). In a study published on May 1, two researchers from CIS found that data of over 130 million Aadhaar card holders has been leaked from just four government websites. As scary as this is, there is more to it. Not only the Aadhaar numbers, names and other personal details of millions of people have been leaked but also their bank account numbers.

Aadhaar data of 130 millions, bank account details leaked from govt websites: Report - Read More…

With digitisation at the forefront, government departments need to be cautious about digital security

by Prasad Krishna last modified May 20, 2017 08:33 AM

The huge leak of Aadhar data from four websites belonging to a central ministry and the Andhra Pradesh government has been on the government radar for a while. The leak, caused by poor security protocols, had left around 130 million numbers and their allied information, like bank and post office account details, open to access for several months. As the last website finally plugged loophole, violation echoed in Supreme Court.

With digitisation at the forefront, government departments need to be cautious about digital security - Read More…

Kashmir: Telecom firms struggle to block 22 banned social media sites

by Prasad Krishna last modified May 04, 2017 02:29 AM

A BSNL official says engineers are still working on shutting down the 22 social media sites but so far had been unable to do so without freezing the Internet across Kashmir.

Kashmir: Telecom firms struggle to block 22 banned social media sites - Read More…

India’s Supreme Court hears challenge to biometric authentication system

by Prasad Krishna last modified May 20, 2017 06:44 AM

Two lawsuits being heard this week before India’s Supreme Court question a requirement imposed by the government that individuals should quote a biometrics-based authentication number when filing their tax returns.

India’s Supreme Court hears challenge to biometric authentication system - Read More…

130 Million at Risk of Fraud After Massive Leak of Indian Biometric System Data

by Prasad Krishna last modified May 20, 2017 12:36 PM

A series of potentially calamitous leaks in India leave as many as 130 million people at risk of fraud or worse after caches of biometric and other personal data became accessible online.

130 Million at Risk of Fraud After Massive Leak of Indian Biometric System Data - Read More…

'Aadhaar' Of Your Existence Or Card Of Controversy?

by Prasad Krishna last modified May 20, 2017 12:24 PM

recent report estimates that details of 13 crore Aadhaar card holders have been leaked from four government websites. These include bank account details, income levels, addresses, even caste and religion details.

'Aadhaar' Of Your Existence Or Card Of Controversy? - Read More…

Aadhaar data of over 13 crore people exposed: New report

by Prasad Krishna last modified May 20, 2017 08:57 AM

Ajay Bhushan Pandey, CEO of UIDAI, the nodal body for Aadhaar, said, “There is no data leak from UIDAI.”

Aadhaar data of over 13 crore people exposed: New report - Read More…

En Inde, le biométrique version très grand public

by Prasad Krishna last modified May 03, 2017 04:27 PM

Initiée en 2010, l’Aadhaar est désormais la plus grande base de données d’empreintes et d’iris au monde. Carte d’identité destinée aux 1,25 milliard d’Indiens, elle sert aussi de moyen de paiement. Mais la sécurité du système et son utilisation à des fins de surveillance posent question.

En Inde, le biométrique version très grand public - Read More…

Vidushi Marda selected for Internet of Rights Fellowship

by Prasad Krishna last modified May 03, 2017 03:48 PM

Article 19 had put out a call for applications for its Internet of Rights Fellowship in February 2017. Vidushi has been selected to be part of the 2017-2018 cohort.

Vidushi Marda selected for Internet of Rights Fellowship - Read More…

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