CISxScholars Delhi - Harsh Gupta - FAT ML for Lawyers and Lawmakers (June 29, 5:30 pm)
Event details
from 05:30 PM to 08:00 PM
Contact Name
CISxScholars are informal events organised by CIS for presentation, discussion, and exchange of academic research and policy analysis.
FAT ML (Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in Machine Learning) for Lawyers and Lawmakers
From tagging people in photos to determining risk of loan defaults, use of data based tools is affecting more and areas of our lives. In some areas there have been very successful applications of such tools, in others areas they has been found to not only reflect the existing bias and discrimination found in today's society but also exaggerate it.
Harsh Gupta
Harsh Gupta is a recent graduate from IIT Kharagpur with B.Sc and M.Sc in Mathematics and Computing and will be joining JP Morgan and Chase as a data scientist. He completed his master's thesis in "Discrimination Aware Machine Learning". He was also an intern at The Center for Internet and Society during summer of 2016.