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Understanding Feminist Infrastructures: An Exploratory Study of Online Feminist Content Creation Spaces in India
— by Puthiya Purayil Sneha and Saumyaa Naidu — last modified Mar 25, 2024 01:02 PMThis report explores the growth of feminist infrastructures (including the various interpretations of the term), through research on feminist publishing, content creation and curation spaces and how they have informed the contemporary discourse on feminism, gender, and sexuality in India. The rise of online feminist publications, and related digital media content creation and curation spaces, has engendered new forums for debate, networking, and community-building. This report looks at some of the challenges of developing such publications and platforms, and the role of digital infrastructures in mediating contemporary feminist work and politics.
Unpacking Algorithmic Infrastructures: Mapping the Data Supply Chain in the Healthcare Industry in India
— by Amrita Sengupta, Chetna V. M., Pallavi Bedi, Puthiya Purayil Sneha, Shweta Mohandas and Yatharth — last modified Jan 05, 2024 02:38 AMThe Unpacking Algorithmic Infrastructures project, supported by a grant from the Notre Dame-IBM Tech Ethics Lab, aims to study the Al data supply chain infrastructure in healthcare in India, and aims to critically analyse auditing frameworks that are utilised to develop and deploy AI systems in healthcare. It will map the prevalence of Al auditing practices within the sector to arrive at an understanding of frameworks that may be developed to check for ethical considerations - such as algorithmic bias and harm within healthcare systems, especially against marginalised and vulnerable populations.
User Experiences of Digital Financial Risks and Harms
— by Amrita Sengupta, Chiara Furtado, Garima Agrawal, Nishkala Sekhar, Puthiya Purayil Sneha, and Yesha Tshering Paul — last modified Dec 22, 2023 04:05 PMThe reach and use of digital financial services has risen in recent years without a commensurate increase in digital literacy and access. Through this project, supported by a grant from Google(.)org, we will examine the landscape of potential risks and harms posed by digital financial services, and the disproportionate risk that information asymmetry and barriers to access pose for users, especially certain marginalised communities.

Metaphors of Work, from ‘Below’
— by Aayush Rathi and Ambika Tandon — last modified Jul 03, 2023 12:29 PMAayush Rathi and Ambika Tandon authored a chapter that describes platforms as more than technological interfaces. The chapter invokes some of the metaphors that gig workers use to make sense of platforms. This chapter was part of an edited volume published by Springer. This chapter forms part of the ‘Labour Futures’ research project, hosted at the Centre for Internet and Society, India, and supported by the Internet Society Foundation.

Designing Domestic Work Platforms
— by Divyansha Sehgal and Yathrath — last modified Aug 13, 2022 06:31 AMThis research was conducted by The Center for Internet and Society (CIS) with funding from Association for Progressive Communication (APC) through the Feminist Internet Research Network (FIRN), supported by International Development Research Centre (IDRC). The authors are deeply grateful to the platform workers who talked to us and shared their experiences of finding work through Urban Company. Their responses shaped our research and their insights guided the creation of this final report.

Procurement Through Digital Platforms
— by SEWA Cooperative Federation and Centre for Internet & Society — last modified Jul 26, 2022 02:35 PMProcurement policies, both public and private, can play a significant role in determining inclusive market participation, particularly for informal women workers and their collective enterprises.

Datafication of the Public Distribution System in India
— by Sameet Panda — last modified Feb 12, 2024 12:07 PMIn this study, we look into the datafication of social protection schemes with a special focus on the Public Distribution System in India. Proponents of datafication claim that the benefits will reach the right person and curb leakages through the automation and digitisation of all PDS processes. Aadhaar is the most important link in the datafication; supporters claim that it makes technology people-centric. This study looks at the status of PDS datafication and its impact on the delivery of the scheme in Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand. We also try to understand to what extent the stated objective of portability has been met and how far the challenges faced by the rights holders of the PDS have been resolved.

The State of the Internet's Languages Report
— by Puthiya Purayil Sneha — last modified Mar 07, 2022 03:01 PMThe first-ever State of the Internet’s Languages Report was launched by Whose Knowledge? on February 23, 2022 (just after the International Mother Language day), along with research partners Oxford Internet Institute and the Centre for Internet and Society. This extraordinarily community-sourced effort, with over 100 people involved is now available online, with translations in multiple languages.

Locating Migrants in India’s Gig Economy: A Scoping Report
— by Kaarika Das and Srravya C — last modified Jan 04, 2022 03:06 PMGig workers working for on-demand platform services have been adversely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Are India’s much-lauded startups failing their women workers?
— by Abhishek Sekharan and Ambika Tandon — last modified Dec 06, 2021 04:24 PMRecent protests outside Urban Company’s head office highlight the gendered nature of work in the country’s digital economy.
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