Mobilizing Online Consensus: Net Neutrality and the India Subreddit
— by Sujeet George — last modified Sep 27, 2016 04:52 AMThis essay by Sujeet George is part of the 'Studying Internet in India' series. The author offers a preliminary gesture towards understanding reddit’s usage and breadth in the Indian context. Through an analysis of the “India” subreddit and examining the manner and context in which information and ideas are shared, proposed, and debunked, the paper aspires to formulate a methodology for interrogating sites like reddit that offer the possibilities of social mediation, even as users maintain a limited amount of privacy. At the same time, to what extent can such news aggregator sites direct the ways in which opinions and news flows change course as a true marker of information generation responding to user inputs.

Internet Researchers' Conference 2017 (IRC17) - Call for Sessions
— by Sumandro Chattapadhyay — last modified Dec 12, 2016 01:40 PMIt gives us great pleasure to announce that the second Internet Researchers' Conference (IRC17) will take place in Bengaluru on March 03-05, 2017. It will be organised by the Centre for Internet and Society (CIS) in partnership with the Centre for Information Technology and Public Policy at the International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore (IIIT-B). It is a free and open conference. Sessions must be proposed by teams of two or more members on or before Friday, October 28. All submitted session proposals will go though an open review process, followed by each team that has proposed a session being invited to select ten sessions of their choice to be included in the Conference agenda. Final sessions will be chosen through these votes, and be announced on January 09, 2017.
How Green is the Internet? The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
— by Aishwarya Panicker — last modified Sep 23, 2016 05:02 AMThis essay by Aishwarya Panicker is part of the 'Studying Internet in India' series. The author draws attention to the fact that there is little data, debate, analysis, and examination of the environmental impact of the internet, which is true especially for India. She explores four central issue areas. First, as the third highest country in terms of internet use, what is the current environmental impact of internet usage in India? Second, are there any regulatory provisions that give prescriptive measures to data centres and providers? Third, do any global standards exist in this regard and finally, what future steps can be taken (by the government, civil society and individuals) to address this?
Who Owns Your Phone?
— by Nishant Shah — last modified Sep 18, 2016 04:18 PMThe capacity of companies to defy standards that work tells an alarming story of what we lose when we lose control of our devices.
IIIT Delhi Workshop on Center for IT and Society
— by Sumandro Chattapadhyay — last modified Sep 17, 2016 02:40 PMA workshop on the upcoming Center for IT and Society in IIIT-Delhi was organised today, September 17, in the institute. The workshop highlights on the process of establishing a center on IT and Society, which will focus on studying relationships and impact of ICTs and Internet on society and the role that society plays in shaping them, particularly in India. The center will bring together faculty in various humanities and social sciences disciplines, and would also initiate interdisciplinary taught programme in IT and Social Sciences. Sumandro Chattapadhyay was invited to participate in this workshop.
Sequoia India’s Designathon 2016
— by Sumandro Chattapadhyay — last modified Sep 17, 2016 01:39 PMAlong with their annual hackathon, Sequoia India organised a designathon in Bangalore on September 10-11, 2016. The participants picked one of three tracks - gamification, information visualisation, and smart acceleration - and developed an interface design or clickable prototype or a demo video. Sumandro Chattapadhyay was invited to participate as a mentor for the information visualisation track.
7 Ways to Con/fuse the Internet with Analogy (Intergalactic Mix) - Talk by Surfatial
Sep 26, 2016 from 06:00 PM to 07:30 PM — The Centre for Internet and Society, No.194, 2nd 'C' Cross, Domlur, 2nd Stage, Bangalore 560071 (Near TERI Complex and Domlur Club), — by Puthiya Purayil SnehaSurfatial, a trans-local collective that works with text and sound will talk about their essay which was recently published. The talk will also address concerns on how the internet can be used in alternate contexts including presenting work in alternative formats and using the internet for synchronous collaborative cultural production.

Quarter Life Crisis: The World Wide Web turns 25 this year
— by Nishant Shah — last modified Sep 16, 2016 01:25 PMWith the unexplained ban on websites, the state seems to have stopped caring for the digital rights of its citizens.
IIRC: Reflections on IRC16
— by Sumandro Chattapadhyay — last modified Sep 06, 2016 09:28 AMThe first edition of the Internet Researchers' Conference (IRC) series was held on February 26-28, 2016. It was hosted by the Centre for Political Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University, and was supported by the CSCS Digitial Innovation Fund. Here we share our reflections on the Conference, albeit rather delayed, and lessons towards the next edition to be held in March 2017.

Report on Understanding Aadhaar and its New Challenges
— by Japreet Grewal, Vanya Rakesh, Sumandro Chattapadhyay, and Elonnai Hickock — last modified Mar 16, 2019 04:42 AMThe Trans-disciplinary Research Cluster on Sustainability Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University collaborated with the Centre for Internet and Society, and other individuals and organisations to organise a two day workshop on “Understanding Aadhaar and its New Challenges” at the Centre for Studies in Science Policy, JNU on May 26 and 27, 2016. The objective of the workshop was to bring together experts from various fields, who have been rigorously following the developments in the Unique Identification (UID) Project and align their perspectives and develop a shared understanding of the status of the UID Project and its impact. Through this exercise, it was also sought to develop a plan of action to address the welfare exclusion issues that have arisen due to implementation of the UID Project.
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