April 2015 Bulletin
— by Prasad Krishna — last modified May 31, 2015 04:29 AMNewsletter for the month of April below.
Call for Essays: Studying Internet in India
— by Sumandro Chattapadhyay — last modified Aug 28, 2015 07:09 AMAs Internet makes itself comfortable amidst everyday lives in India, it becomes everywhere and everyware, it comes in 40 MBPS Unlimited and in chhota recharges – and even in zero flavour – the Researchers at Work (RAW) programme at the Centre for Internet and Society invites abstracts for essays that explore what it means to study Internet(s) in India today.

Announcing Silicon Plateau #01
— by Sumandro Chattapadhyay — last modified Oct 05, 2015 03:00 PMWe are very pleased to announce that the RAW programme is supporting a new collaborative publishing project led by T.A.J. Residency / SKE Projects and The first volume of the series titled 'Silicon Plateau' will feature contributions by a group of artists, researchers, and writers, including IOCOSE, Tara Kelton, Anil Menon, Sunita Prasad, Achal Prabhala and Sreshta Rit Premnath, along with contextual writing and documentation material. Here is an excerpt from the editorial note written by Marialaura Ghidini, the co-editor of the volume.
Whose Open Data Community is it? - Accepted Abstract
— by Sumandro Chattapadhyay — last modified Nov 13, 2015 05:41 AMMy paper titled 'Whose Open Data Community is it? Reflections on the Open Data Ecosystem in India' has been accepted for presentation at the Open Data Research Symposium to be held during the 3rd International Open Data Conference <> in Ottawa, Canada, on May 28-29 2015. The final paper will be shared by second week of May. Here is the accepted abstract.
Civil Society Organisations and Internet Governance in Asia and India – Section Outlines
— by Sumandro Chattapadhyay — last modified Nov 13, 2015 05:40 AMThe Centre for Internet and Society has been invited to contribute two sections to the Asia Internet History - Third Decade (2001-2010) book edited by Dr. Kilnam Chon. The sections will discuss the activities and experiences of civil society organisations in Asia and India, respectively, in national, regional, and global Internet governance processes. The draft outlines of the sections are shared here. Comments and suggestions are invited.
Figures of Learning: The Reader
— by Puthiya Purayil Sneha — last modified Nov 13, 2015 05:48 AMAs part of its Making Methods for Digital Humanities project, CIS-RAW organized two consultations on new figures of learning in the digital context. For a proposed journal issue on the theme of ‘bodies of knowledge’ which draws upon these conversations, participants were invited to write short sketches on these figures of learning. This abstract by P.P Sneha examines the figure of the reader, and the manner in which it is redefined in as text and practices of reading are reconstituted in the digital context.
Digital Activism in Asia Reader: Announcement
— by Puthiya Purayil Sneha — last modified Oct 24, 2015 02:22 PMThe CIS-RAW programme organized an editorial workshop on March 6-7, 2015, as part of its project on a Digital Activism in Asia Reader. The project is a collaborative effort of the Centre for Internet and Society and the Centre for Digital Cultures, Leuphana University, Germany, which aims to bring together local knowledge, debates and conversations around Digital Activism in Asia.
Figures of Learning: The Pornographer
— by Namita A. Malhotra — last modified Nov 13, 2015 05:32 AMAs part of its Making Methods for Digital Humanities project, CIS-RAW organized two consultations on new figures of learning in the digital context. For a proposed journal issue on the theme of 'bodies of knowledge' which draws upon these conversations, participants were invited to write short sketches on these figures of learning. This abstract by Namita Malhotra examines the figure of the pornographer, as a mixed media figure entrenched in various networks of knowledge production, circulation and consumption.
RAW Lectures #01: Nishant Shah on 'Stories and Histories of Internet in India'
Mar 06, 2015 from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM — The Centre for Internet and Society, No. 194, 2nd 'C' Cross, Domlur, 2nd Stage, Bangalore 560071 (opposite Domlur Club and very near to TERI complex), — by Prasad KrishnaDr. Nishant Shah will give a talk on 'Stories and Histories of Internet in India' at the Centre for Internet and Society's office in Bangalore on March 6, 2015 at 6 p.m. Please join us for tea and coffee before the lecture at 5.30 p.m.
Figures of Learning: The Visual Designer
— by Puthiya Purayil Sneha — last modified Nov 13, 2015 05:33 AMAs part of its Making Methods for Digital Humanities project, CIS-RAW organized two consultations on new figures of learning in the digital context. For a proposed journal issue on the theme of ‘bodies of knowledge’ which draws upon these conversations, participants were invited to write short sketches on these figures of learning. This abstract by Tejas Pande examines the figure of the visual designer, and emerging practices of mapmaking.
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